NCCF earns perfect score from Charity Navigator

The North Carolina Community Foundation is proud to announce that NCCF has earned a perfect score from the nonprofit watchdog group Charity Navigator for the fourth consecutive year. 

"Only 14 percent of the charities we evaluate have received at least four consecutive 4-star evaluations, indicating that the North Carolina Community Foundation outperforms most other charities in America," said Charity Navigator President and CEO Michael Thatcher. "This exceptional designation from Charity Navigator sets the North Carolina Community Foundation apart from its peers and emonstrates to the public its trustworthiness." 

NCCF earned the 100 percent honor by reaching the following standard from Charity Navigator:

The exceptional charities on this list execute their missions in a fiscally responsible way while adhering to good governance and other best practices that minimize the chance of unethical activities. Each has earned perfect scores for its Financial Health and its Accountability & Transparency. Those two scores then translate into a perfect 100 point overall score. Less than one percent of the thousands of charities rated by Charity Navigator have earned perfect scores. We applaud these charities for exceeding industry standards and outperforming other organizations performing similar work.

Learn more about the honor on Charity Navigator's website here.

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