The Johnston County Community Foundation is a growing family of philanthropic funds, source of grants for local causes and partner for donors. JCCF was founded in 1992 and is led by a local volunteer advisory board that helps build community assets through the creation of permanent endowments, makes grants and leverages leadership – all for the benefit of Johnston County.
Johnston County Community Foundation
LaShawndra White
Lorine Davis
Board Members
Emery Ashley
Wanda Blow
Gwen Canady
Rick Childrey
Michelle Pace-Davis
Margaret W. DiNubila
Nancy Faber
Bill Galloway
Oliver Johnson
Suefan Johnson
Robin Little
Laurie Larson Partlo
Betsy G. Whittington
Directors emeriti:
The Honorable N. Leo Daughtry
Belinda Etheridge
John Hobart
Sammy Jackson
Ayden R. Lee, Jr.
James W. Narron
Apply for grants
The Johnston County Community Foundation will accept grant applications from March 15, 2024, to NOON on April 16, 2024. Applications received after this deadline will not be accepted, including late submissions due to technology issues. Funds are available for qualified charitable organizations serving the local community.
Grants typically range from $1,000 to $5,000. In 2023, JCCF awarded $47,030 in grants through this competitive process. Learn more about past grant recipients.
Grants will be awarded from the community grantmaking fund and the
- Cara Lee Powell Priest Endowment for Johnston County
- Carolina Youth Theatre Fund for Arts Education, which supports nonprofits in Johnston County whose work focuses on youth arts education
- Lorraine Cooper Endowment
How to apply
JCCF is an affiliate of the North Carolina Community Foundation. Organizations must apply for grants using NCCF’s online application system.
- Read the guidelines before you apply. Failure to adhere to the guidelines will result in your application being declined.
- If this is your first time applying, follow the instructions in Training Module I to create a profile. If your organization already has an account, use your information to log in.
- Follow the instructions in Training Module II to add a grant application. Once registered, you can access more information about the application process.
Grants Awarded
The Johnston County Community Foundation awarded $51,970 to the following local nonprofit organizations from its community grantmaking fund and other board-advised funds:
- $750 to Activate Selma for Selma Pocket Park activation
- $2,500 to American Red Cross for disaster cycle services
- $2,000 to Autism Society of North Carolina for autism resource specialists in Johnston County
- $1,500 to Ava Gardner Museum, Inc. for Ava Gardner Festival
- $1,000 to Equity Before Birth for birth equity for Johnston County parents
- $2,000 to Girl Scouts – North Carolina Coastal Pines for Girl Scout leadership experience in Johnston County
- $2,000 to Habitat for Humanity – Wake County for Stone Creek Habitat community in Johnston County
- $2,500 to Harbor, Inc. for Safe Space
- $1,000 to Hinnant Dreams & Promises Title 1 Community Development for Promised Reader K-8 literacy program
- $2,500 to Johnston County Animal Protection League, Inc. for JoCo Pets Spay/Neuter program
- $4,850 to Johnston County Arts Council for Artists-in-the-Schools
- $3,900 to Johnston County Youth Services for general operating support
- $1,500 to Made4Me, Inc. for Making Abilities Possible project
- $1,000 to Make-A-Wish Eastern North Carolina to improve health outcomes for children with critical illnesses in Johnston County
- $2,500 to Me Fine Foundation to support children in medical crisis and their families
- $5,000 to My Kid’s Club for Summer Surge: elevating minds at My Kid’s Club Camp
- $1,000 to North Carolina Reading Service for general operating support
- $500 to North Carolina Symphony for music discovery for Johnston County preschoolers
- $1,000 to Partnership for Children of Johnston County for diaper closet
- $2,500 to Prevent Blindness North Carolina for Star Pupils Johnston County
- $2,220 to Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Triangle for Johnston County Cares Fund
- $2,500 to Special Olympics North Carolina for Special Olympics North Carolina – Johnston County
- $1,250 to Transitions LifeCare for Transitions Kids Bereavement Grief Education in Schools initiative
- $1,000 to TROSA (Triangle Residential Options for Substance Abusers, Inc.) for residential substance use disorder recovery services for people from Johnston County
- $3,500 to With Love From Jesus food pantry
2023 grants awarded
The Johnston County Community Foundation awarded $53,240 to the following local nonprofit organizations from its community grantmaking fund and other board-advised funds:
- $1,000 to Autism Society of NC for autism resource specialists in Johnston County
- $1,500 to Ava Gardner Museum, Inc. for the Ava Gardner Festival
- $1,500 to Children’s Cancer Partners of the Carolinas for Johnston County Childhood Cancer Safety Net
- $2,210 to Clayton Piano Festival for general operating support on behalf of Donna Bailey Taylor, this year’s recipient of the Frances Finch Hobart Award
- $4,000 to Community & Senior Services of Johnston County, Inc., for transportation to medical and dialysis treatments
- $2,000 to Friends of the Mountains to Sea Trail for Mountains to Sea Trail in Johnston County
- $1,500 to Girl Scouts NC Coastal Pines for Girl Scout leadership experience in Johnston County
- $2,500 to Harbor, Inc., for Safe Space
- $1,500 to Harvesting Hope NC for garden expansion
- $4,490 to Johnston County Arts Council for Artists-in-the-Schools
- $2,000 to Johnston County Animal Protection League, Inc. for JCAPL Spay/neuter program
- $2,500 to Johnston County Youth Services
- $740 to Kramden Institute for computers for Johnston County
- $1,500 to Made4Me, Inc., for Making Abilities Possible Project
- $2,000 to Make-A-Wish Eastern NC for improving health outcomes for children with critical illnesses in Johnston County
- $5,000 to Me Fine Foundation for support for children in medical crisis and their families
- $5,000 to My Kid’s Club for summer program support
- $500 to North Carolina Symphony for Music Discovery for Johnston County Preschoolers
- $2,000 to Partnership for Children of Johnston County for Diaper Closet
- $2,300 to Prevent Blindness NC for Star Pupils Johnston County
- $1,000 to Public Library of Johnston County and Smithfield for Backpack Checkouts: Discover the Beauty of Johnston County
- $3,000 to Ronald McDonald House of Chapel Hill for Johnston County Cares Fund
- $3,500 to With Love From Jesus Ministries for food pantry
2022 grants awarded
The Johnston County Community Foundation awarded more than $44,000 in local grants to the following local nonprofit organizations from its communty grantmaking fund:
- $1,000 to the Autism Society of North Carolina for autism resource specialists in Johnston County
- $1,000 to Ava Gardner Museum, Inc. for Ava Gardner Centennial Festival
- $2,500 to Benson Area Ministerial Association for a summer feeding and learning program
- $1,200 to Girl Scouts – North Carolina Coastal Pines for Girl Scout Leadership Experience in Johnston County
- $2,500 to Harbor, Inc for Safe Space
- $1,000 to Harvesting Hope North Carolina for a senior health and wellness garden
- $1,000 to Inter-Faith Food Shuttle for Stronger Families through Healthy Hunger Solutions
- $2,000 to Johnston Central Alumni Food Pantry for general operating support
- $2,000 to Johnston County Animal Protection League, Inc. for JCAPL spay/neuter program continuation
- $2,000 to Johnston County Arts Council for Artists-in-the-Schools
- $1,500 to Johnston County Heritage Center for History and Genealogy Library upfit
- $2,500 to Johnston County Industries, Inc. for JCI Virtual Vocational Academy $2,500 to Johnston County Youth Services for general operating support
- $1,500 to Kramden Institute for computers in Johnston County
- $1,500 to Made4Me, Inc. for Making Abilities Possible Project
- $2,000 to Make-A-Wish Eastern North Carolina for improving health outcomes for children with critical illnesses in Johnston County
- $2,500 to Me Fine Foundation for support for children in medical crisis and their families
- $2,910 to My Kids Club for My Kid’s Club serving Johnston County
- $500 to North Carolina Symphony for Music Discovery for Johnston County preschoolers
- $1,500 to Partnership for Children of Johnston County for Diaper Closet
- $2,000 to Prevent Blindness North Carolina for Star Pupils Johnston County
- $1,000 to Public Library of Johnston County and Smithfield for Community Pantry @ Your Library
- $1,500 to TROSA (Triangle Residential Options for Substance Abusers, Inc.) for residential substance abuse recovery services for individuals from Johnston County
- $2,500 to With Love From Jesus Ministries for the food pantry
- $2,500 to YMCA of the Triangle for LiveSTRONG at the Y – a cancer survivor program
2021 grants awarded
The Johnston County Community Foundation recently awarded more than $42,300 in local grant awards to the following local nonprofit organizations from its communty grantmaking fund:
- $1,000 to Autism Society of NC for 2021-2022 Camp Royall Scholarships
- $2,000 to Carolina Youth Theatre for General Operating Support 2021
- $2,500 to Harbor, Inc. for Safe Space
- $1,000 to Harvesting Hope NC for Hobby Greenhouse
- $1,810 to Johnston Central Alumni Food Pantry for General Operating Support
- $2,000 to Johnston County Animal Protection League for JCAPL Spay/Neuter Program Fund Renewal
- $1,000 to Johnston County Arts Council for “Using Music to Heal”
- $3,000 to Johnston County Industries, Inc. for JCI’s Cyber Express and Café Training Program
- $1,000 to Johnston County Public Schools for Central Park South – Phase 3
- $2,500 to Johnston County Youth Services for JCYS General Operating Support
- $1,000 to Kramden Institute for Laptops for Johnston County Residents
- $2,500 to Make-A-Wish Eastern North Carolina for Improving health outcomes for children in Johnston County
- $2,500 to Me Fine Foundation for Supporting Children in Medical Crisis and their Families
- $2,500 to My Kids Club for Academic Recovery
- $2,000 to Prevent Blindness NC for Star Pupils Johnston County
- $2,000 to Public Library of Johnston County and Smithfield for eReaders with OverDrive @ Your Library
- $1,000 to Ronald McDonald House of Chapel Hill for Johnston County Cares Program
- $1,000 to Servants 4 All People for Food Program
- $2,500 to Special Olympics of NC for Special Olympics Johnston County
- $2,000 to the Johnston Memorial Hospital Foundation for INSULIN Now Project
- $1,500 to Tobacco Farm Life Museum for Supporting Research on Local History and Diverse Stories
- $1,500 to TROSA (Triangle Residential Options for Substance Abusers, Inc.) for Residential Substance Abuse Services for Residents of Johnston County
- $2,500 to With Love from Jesus Ministries for Food Pantry
2020 grants awarded
The Johnston County Community Foundation recently awarded more than $42,000 in local grant awards to the following local nonprofit organizations from its communty grantmaking fund:
- $1,000 to the Autism Society of North Carolina for ASNC’s urgent needs in Johnston County
- $4,000 to the Carolina Youth Theatre for general operating support
- $1,500 to Children’s Cancer Partners of the Carolinas for the Johnston County childhood cancer safety net
- $2,500 to Harbor, Inc for the Safe Space program
- $800 to Harvesting Hope North Carolina for gardening and nutrition class for low income families
- $2,000 to the Johnston County Animal Protection League, Inc. for the JoCo Pets Spay/Neuter program continuation
- $2,500 to the Johnston County Arts Council for the Artists-in-the-Schools program
- $2,500 to Johnston County Industries, Inc. for repairing impacts of social isolation from COVID-19 for people with disabilities and disadvantages
- $2,000 to Johnston County Public Schools for the Central Park South – Phase Two program
- $2,500 to Johnston County Youth Services, Inc. for general operating support
- $2,000 to Kenly Area Ministries, Inc. for general operating support
- $2,500 to Make-A-Wish Eastern North Carolina for wish granting in Johnston County
- $2,500 to the Me Fine Foundation for general operating support
- $2,500 to the Partnership for Children of Johnston County for the diaper closet
- $2,000 to the Ronald McDonald House of Chapel Hill for the Johnston County Cares Fund
- $1,000 to the Ronald McDonald House of Eastern NC for general operations for funding Johnston County families
- $1,500 to Special Olympics North Carolina for general operating support in Johnston County
- $2,000 to the Tobacco Farm Life Museum for operations support
- $1,500 to TROSA (Triangle Residential Options for Substance Abusers, Inc.) for residential substance abuse recovery services for individuals from Johnston County
- $2,500 to With Love From Jesus Ministries for the food pantry
- $1,000 to YMCA of the Triangle – Johnston County YMCA for summer day camp
2019 grants awarded
The Johnston County Community Foundation recently awarded more than $41,000 in local grant awards to the following local nonprofit organizations from its communty grantmaking fund:
- $2,500 to the Johnston County Heritage Center for Collections Care
- $2,500 to With Love from Jesus Ministries for the food pantry
- $2,500 to Clayton Cultural Arts Foundation- Carolina Youth Theatre for their production of “The Wizard of Oz”
- $2,500 to Me Fine Foundation, Inc. for financial assistance and emotional support for children and families navigating a medical crisis
- $1,500 to Johnston County Animal Protection League, Inc. for the spay and neuter program renewal
- $1,000 to Prevent Blindness North Carolina for Star Pupils Johnston County
- $2,500 to the Johnston County Arts Council for Artists-in-the-Schools
- $2,000 to Johnston County Public Schools for Central Park South
- $2,500 to Benson Area Ministerial Association for BAMA Feeding and Community Assistance Program
- $2,500 to Kenly Area Ministries for general operations
- $2,000 to the Inter-Faith Food Shuttle for food support for at-risk Johnston County youth & families
- $2,500 to My Kid’s Club of Johnston County for STEM IT UP!
- $1,000 to Reach Out and Read for general operations
- $2,500 to Episcopal Farmworker Ministry for their Water in the Fields program
- $2,500 to Harbor, Inc. for a safe space
- $2,500 to Johnston-Lee-Harnett Community Action, Inc. for their Stars Soaring to Success program
- $1,500 to Partnership for Children of Johnston County for their program Safe Kids: Automobile Safety Education
- $2,500 to the Ronald McDonald House of Chapel Hill for the Johnston County Cares Fund
- $2,500 to Johnston County Youth Services, Inc. for general operations
2018 grants awarded
The Johnston County Community Foundation awarded more than $40,000 through its community grants program to the following local nonprofit organizations, including:
- $2,000 to the Autism Society of North Carolina
- $2,500 to the Boys & Girls Clubs of Wayne/Johnston Counties
- $4,330 to Community & Senior Services of Johnston County, Inc.
- $2,500 to Girl Scouts – North Carolina Coastal Pines
- $4,000 to Harbor, Inc.
- $2,500 to Johnston County Animal Protection League, Inc.
- $3,000 to Johnston County Arts Council, Inc.
- $3,060 to Johnston County Industries, Inc.
- $3,000 to Johnston County Youth Services, Inc.
- $3,000 to the Me Fine Foundation, Inc.
- $1,000 to the Muscular Dystrophy Association
- $2,500 to Partnership for Children of Johnston County for the Partnership
- $1,500 to Prevent Blindness North Carolina
- $1,000 to Reach Out and Read
- $2,500 to the Ronald McDonald House of Chapel Hill
- $2,500 to With Love From Jesus Ministries
2017 grants awarded
The Johnston County Community Foundation awarded more than $42,000 through its community grants program to the following local nonprofit organizations. Recipients were:
- $2,000 to Autism Society of North Carolina
- $2,500 to Boys & Girls Clubs of Wayne County
- $1,700 to Children’s Home Society of North Carolina, Inc.
- $1,500 to Clayton Cultural Arts Foundation – Clayton Youth Theater
- $3,557 to Community & Senior Services of Johnston County, Inc.
- $2,500 to Girl Scouts – North Carolina Coastal Pines
- $4,000 to Harbor, Inc.
- $2,500 to Johnston County Animal Protection League, Inc.
- $3,500 to Johnston County Arts Council, Inc.
- $3,500 to Johnston County Industries, Inc.
- $3,000 to Johnston County YMCA
- $2,500 to Johnston County Youth Services, Inc.
- $2,293 to Partnership for Children of Johnston County
- $1,500 to Prevent Blindness North Carolina
- $1,000 to Reach Out and Read
- $2,500 to Serve the Need in Johnston County, Inc.
- $2,000 to With Love From Jesus Ministries
2016 grants awarded
The Johnston County Community Foundation awarded more than $40,700 through its community grants program to the following local nonprofit organizations. Recipients were:
- Autism Society of North Carolina
- Boys & Girls Clubs of Wayne County
- Clayton Cultural Arts Foundation – Clayton Youth Theater
- Community & Senior Services of Johnston County, Inc.
- Girl Scouts – North Carolina Coastal Pines
- Johnston County Animal Protection League, Inc.
- Johnston County Arts Council, Inc.
- Johnston County Industries, Inc.
- Johnston County YMCA
- Johnston County Youth Services, Inc.
- Me Fine Foundation, Inc.
- Partnership for Children of Johnston County
- Pretty In Pink Foundation
- Prevent Blindness North Carolina
- Reach Out and Read
- With Love From Jesus Ministries
The Johnston County Community Foundation awarded more than $3,700 through its NCCF Disaster Relief Fund allocation to the following nonprofit organizations:
- Benson Area Ministerial Association
- Boys & Girls Club of Wayne County
2015 grants awarded
The Johnston County Community Foundation awarded more than $38,000 through its community grants program to the following local nonprofit organizations. Recipients were:
- Boys & Girls Club of Wayne County
- Clayton Cultural Arts Foundation
- Community & Senior Services of Johnston County, Inc.
- First Baptist Church of Smithfield – Soup Kitchen
- Girl Scouts – North Carolina Coastal Pines
- Harbo House, Inc.
- Johnston County Animal Protection League
- Johnston County Arts Council
- Johnston County Industries, Inc.
- Johnston County YMCA – Clayton
- Johnston County Youth Services
- Make-A-Wish Foundation of Eastern NC
- Me Fine Foundation
- Prevent Blindness North Carolina
- Public Library of Johnston County and Smithfield
- Reach Out and Read
- Tobacco Farm Life Museum
- With Love From Jesus Ministries
2014 grants awarded
- Autism Society of North Carolina
- Ava Gardner Museum, Inc.
- Boys & Girls Club of Wayne County
- Harbor House, Inc.
- Johnston County Animal Protection League
- Johnston County Arts Council
- Johnston County Industries, Inc.
- Johnston County YMCA – Clayton
- Johnston County Youth Services
- Johnston Health Foundation
- Make-A-Wish Foundation of Eastern NC
- Me Fine Foundation
- Prevent Blindness North Carolina
- Public Library of Johnston County and Smithfield
- Reach Out and Read
- Serve the Need in Johnston County, Inc.
- Special Olympics of NC – Johnston County
2013 grants awarded
- CareNet Counseling of NC
- Clayton Cultural Arts Foundation, Inc.
- Community & Senior Services of Johnston County, Inc.
- Harbor House, Inc.
- Johnston County Arts Council
- Johnston County Industries, Inc.
- Johnston County YMCA – Clayton
- Johnston County Youth Services
- Make-A-Wish Foundation of Eastern NC
- Me Fine Foundation
- Prevent Blindness North Carolina
- Reach Out and Read Carolinas
- Serve the Need in Johnston County, Inc.
- Special Olympics of NC – Johnston County
Johnston County News
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Donna Bailey-Taylor, who serves on numerous community boards in Johnston County and has helped raise significant funds through donations and grants for many area…
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July 10, 2023
The Johnston County Community Foundation has awarded $47,030 in grants to organizations supporting the local community. The board of advisors granted: $1,000 to Autism…