You make the difference

by Jennifer Tolle Whiteside

Last year marked 30 years since Lewis R. Holding founded the North Carolina Community Foundation. Inspired by one of the many community foundations across the country, he recognized the importance of building a permanent institution in our great state to ensure that all North Carolinians, especially in our rural or underserved communities, have access to philanthropy.

That vision still guides us to this day.

We are committed to building and inspiring permanent philanthropic assets in all communities in North Carolina. We believe communities that support community foundations are strong and vibrant.

Most of all, we know that all of this is possible because of our generous fundholder partners.

Whether their journey started with philanthropy 30 years ago when they answered the call from Mr. Holding or other founding NCCF leaders, or they just created their new fund, the generosity of our fundholders to ensure a brighter future for our communities will continue in perpetuity.

That is where the true magic of philanthropy happens.

We are grateful for the trust our fundholders place in us to manage their charitable assets and are inspired by the incredible things that are happening across the state when generous philanthropist focus on community needs. Philanthropists give me hope for the future of North Carolina.

To quote the author Nelson Henderson, "The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit."

North Carolina is a better place because of the gifts you’re making to help our neighbors.

We remain grateful.

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