Grants awarded

2013 grants awarded

For the calendar year 2013, more than $24,550 in grants and scholarships have been awarded to benefit people and nonprofit organizations in Pender County.

2012 grants awarded

For the calendar year 2012, more than $22,000 in grants and scholarships have been awarded to benefit people and nonprofit organizations in Pender County.

2011 grants awarded

For the calendar year 2011, nearly $1,200 in grants and scholarships have been awarded to benefit people and nonprofit organizations in Pender County.

2010 grants awarded

For the calendar year 2010, nearly $1,300 in grants and scholarships have been awarded to benefit people and nonprofit organizations in Pender County.

2009 grants awarded

For the calendar year 2009, nearly $22,400 in grants and scholarships have been awarded to benefit people and nonprofit organizations in Pender County.

{"title":"Grants awarded","content":"<h2>2013 grants awarded<\/h2>\r\n<p>For the calendar year 2013, more than $24,550 in grants and scholarships have been awarded to benefit people and nonprofit organizations in Pender County.<\/p>\r\n<h2>2012 grants awarded<\/h2>\r\n<p>For the calendar year 2012, more than $22,000 in grants and scholarships have been awarded to benefit people and nonprofit organizations in Pender County.<\/p>\r\n<h2>2011 grants awarded<\/h2>\r\n<p>For the calendar year 2011, nearly $1,200 in grants and scholarships have been awarded to benefit people and nonprofit organizations in Pender County.<\/p>\r\n<h2>2010 grants awarded<\/h2>\r\n<p>For the calendar year 2010, nearly $1,300 in grants and scholarships have been awarded to benefit people and nonprofit organizations in Pender County.<\/p>\r\n<h2>2009 grants awarded<\/h2>\r\n<p>For the calendar year 2009, nearly $22,400 in grants and scholarships have been awarded to benefit people and nonprofit organizations in&nbsp;Pender County.<\/p>","excerpt":"","url":"\/communities\/southeastern\/pender-county\/grants-awarded","enableComments":false,"media":0,"inMenu":false,"publishedAt":1536936408,"meta":{"title":"","description":"","excludeFromSitemap":"No"},"ordinal":0,"orderChildrenBy":"ordinal","permission":"read","tinyMCE_dummy":"","custom":{"affiliates":{"hide_affiliates_button":"No"},"foundant":{"foundant_url":""},"masthead":{"title":"","counties":"","affiliate_logo":"","sub_text":"","background_image":"","caption":""},"latest_blog":{"post":""},"social_sharing":{"share_image":""},"the_latest":{"show_latest_posts_by":""}},"visibleTo":"Everyone","id":"05e8ec56120a43b7bdc28df125a2bb5e","parent":"26c8f40ce579440cb091e2e33ee76494","node":110788,"created":1533132996,"modified":1703082092,"fresh":1,"type":"page","children":{},"relations":{}}