How to Apply

It is easier than ever to apply for scholarships from NCCF. Our NCCF Universal Scholarships Application helps students find and apply for multiple scholarships they are eligible for using one application.

Getting Ready to Apply

Before you begin applying through the NCCF Universal Scholarships Application, you’ll want to pull together some key information. Review the full list of information required to complete the universal application but note key details below.


Approximately 130 NCCF scholarships using the NCCF Universal Scholarships Application will open for 2024 applications on Jan. 16 and close on March 15. About 20 other scholarships have separate applications with different due dates. You must apply to each of those scholarships individually within our Scholarships Portal.

We encourage you to apply well before the deadline. Scholarship selection committees are not obligated to consider applications that are incomplete, do not meet the stated eligibility requirements, or are received after the posted due date.

Reviews will begin after the posted due date for the scholarship. Not all decisions are released at the same time.

Scholarship award offers will be sent via email to the email address the student used for the application. Students must complete a follow-up form to be awarded the scholarship. Award payments are made to students’ schools in July and August, assuming the required follow-up form was submitted.

Steps for Applying for Scholarships



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