2020 Impact Report New Funds
NCCF welcomed more than 50 new funds across the state. Explore funds in a community close to your heart on our interactive map.
- Western NC
- Central NC
- Eastern NC
New Funds in Western NC
- Ashe County Arts Council - Grants Endowment
- Blue Cross NC Community Investment Gift Fund*
- Brian Long Youth Fund
- Carolina Public Press In-Depth and Investigative Journalism Endowment***
- Coe Family Endowment
- Cosper Family Foundation Endowment
- Don and Audrey Bentley Scholarship Fund**
- Duke Energy NC Coastal Community Resiliency Fund*
- Election Administration Assistance Fund*
- Elizabeth Pate Adams Scholarship Fund***
- Federation of North Carolina Historical Societies Endowment***
- Friends of the Archives Endowment*
- Jane Greenlee Robinson Scholarship Endowment
- JD Wilson Foundation Fund
- KCK Foundation Endowment**
- Mark and Mimi Ross Scholarship**
- Maude Bivins Charitable Fund
- Maude Bivins Endowment for the Macon County Historical Society**
- Maude Bivins Gift Fund
- McNeely Family Endowment
- R & S Endowment
- Raj Mehta Memorial Scholarship*
- Ronald E Keeney MD Healthy Family Fund***
- Ronald Keith Vannoy Memorial Scholarship**
- The North Carolina Healing Communities Fund*
- Tip the Scales NC*
- * Statewide Funds
- ** Established in 2019
- *** Statewide Fund Established in 2019
New Funds in Central NC
- Anna Paschal Fund
- Betty Sauls Memorial Endowment
- Blue Cross NC Community Investment Gift Fund*
- Carolina Public Press In-Depth and Investigative Journalism Endowment***
- Claire H. and Peter M. Bristow Fund**
- Communities in Schools of Montgomery County Endowment
- Duke Energy NC Coastal Community Resiliency Fund*
- Dunn Area History Museum Inc Endowment**
- Election Administration Assistance Fund*
- Elizabeth Pate Adams Scholarship Fund***
- Enloe Charity Ball Fund**
- Federation of North Carolina Historical Societies Endowment***
- Frances and Jim Kerr Family Fund**
- Friends of the Archives Endowment*
- Jack G. and Susan B. Gallagher Foundation Fund
- James Dorsett Family Endowment
- Johnson Family Fund**
- K. Mark Oldham Memorial Scholarship
- LMRS Foundation Endowment**
- Memorializing N.C. Lynching Victims Fund**
- Nicholls Family Scholarship
- North Carolina Master Chorale Endowment
- Pouncey-Weber-Williams Endowment
- Raj Mehta Memorial Scholarship*
- Rideout Family Charitable Giving Fund
- Ronald E Keeney MD Healthy Family Fund***
- Stuart and Josephine Dorsett Family Endowment
- The Arts Together Creative Caregivers Fund**
- The Buies Creek Cemetery Fund
- The Cooke Family Charitable Fund
- The Crisp Family Endowment**
- The Darlene Grace Streater Memorial Endowment**
- The Dorothea Dix Park Conservancy Gift Fund**
- The Gail Ross Blowe Scholarship for Clayton High School**
- The Jordan Andrews Fund
- The Lisa Lynn McBryde Memorial Endowment**
- The North Carolina Healing Communities Fund*
- The Tice Family Gift Fund**
- The Weeks Family Fund**
- Tim and Anita Nicholls Scholarship
- Tip the Scales NC*
- Tom Stevens and Debbie Simmers Fund**
- TownStage Foundation Endowment**
- United Way Tar River Legacy Endowment
- Warren and Imogene Kinder Owens Memorial Endowment
- * Statewide Funds
- **Established in 2019
- *** Statewide Fund Established in 2019
New Funds in Eastern NC
- Arthur G. Rice, Sr. Charitable Fund
- Blue Cross NC Community Investment Gift Fund*
- Carolina Public Press In-Depth and Investigative Journalism Endowment***
- Carter W. Newsome Memorial Scholarship for ROCAME
- Charles and Johanna Glasgow Endowment for Colonial Capital Humane Society
- Charles and Johanna Glasgow Scholarship Endowment for Engineering
- CMB Fund
- Duke Energy NC Coastal Community Resiliency Fund*
- Edgar C. Garrabrant II and John R. Garrabrant Memorial Scholarship
- Election Administration Assistance Fund*
- Elizabeth Pate Adams Scholarship Fund***
- Family Cooperative
- Federation of North Carolina Historical Societies Endowment***
- Friends of the Archives Endowment*
- John O. Stevenson Scholarship for Veterinary Technology Studies**
- Jones Family Charitable Endowment
- Julia Hill-Nichols Fund**
- Laura Matheson Beasley Fund
- Marcia Morgan Charitable Gift Fund**
- Martha and Gary Pope Charitable Endowment**
- Mary Elizabeth Dinkins Endowment for Plymouth United Methodist Church**
- Perry Foundation Fund
- Raj Mehta Memorial Scholarship*
- RAK Education Foundation Scholarship
- Rickey and Cindy Godwin Charitable Gift Fund
- Robert A. Jeffreys Family Foundation**
- Ronald E Keeney MD Healthy Family Fund***
- Sam and Omie's Memorial Fund
- Sarah W. and Leonard Y. Safrit Gift Fund**
- Sarah W. Safrit Endowed Fund**
- Segal Family Endowment**
- St. James Service Club Foundation**
- The Ford Family Charitable Fund**
- The North Carolina Healing Communities Fund*
- The Palmer Foundation
- The Webster-Lyerly Endowment for Coastal Resource Protection**
- Tip the Scales NC*
- William L. Hill II and Virginia Ashburn Hill Endowment for Good Shepherd Ministries**
- Women for Women of Pitt County Endowment
- * Statewide Funds
- **Established in 2019
- *** Statewide Fund Established in 2019