Johnston County Community Foundation accepting grant applications and hosting grants workshop

The Board of Directors of the Johnston County Community Foundation is currently accepting grant requests for community projects funded from its community fund, according to Wanda Blow, board president.

Funds are available for nonprofit organizations that serve general charitable needs in Johnston County. Applications are available online only – look at the tabs to your left and click on Applying for Grants. The deadline for submitting applications is April 21. Funding amounts typically range from $1000 to $2500.

A Grant Seekers Workshop will be held on Tuesday, March 31, 2015 at 10am at the Greater Smithfield-Selma Chamber of Commerce. Nonprofits can learn where to find grants, how to prepare, and how to apply using a new online grants process. Please RSVP your attendance to

The Johnston County Community Foundation is an affiliate of the North Carolina Community Foundation. The community fund was established to help support local charitable needs through annual grants. In addition to Blow, Johnston County Community Foundation board members are: Emery Ashley, Kevin Boyette, Gwen Canady, Lorine Davis, Grover Dees, Margaret DiNubila, Nancy Faber, Bill Galloway, Dianne Hagwood, John Hobart, Randy Jones, Harold Keen, Dr. Kevin Koebley, Robin Little, Laurie Partlo, Butch Scott, Vicki Shore, Betsy Whittington, and Jim Wilson.

For further information, contact any board member or NCCF Northern Piedmont Regional Associate Katie Crumpler by email or phone at 919-256-6914.