$500,000 awarded to eastern North Carolina nonprofit programs

The North Carolina Community Foundation has awarded $500,000 in grants across eastern North Carolina from the Louise Oriole Burevitch Endowment.

This is the fifth annual competitive cycle from the endowment, which supports nonprofit programs focusing on education, health, and human services in 41 eastern North Carolina counties.

The 15 grants awarded range from $25,000 to $45,000. This year the endowment awarded:

“The support that we’ve received from the Louise Oriole Burevitch Endowment will allow us to continue to provide life-changing resources for immigrants throughout NC via free and low-cost legal services, advocacy and education,” said Brandy A. McPherson, executive director of Fayetteville Justice For Our Neighbors. “This award will help increase our capacity, reach and impact in 2023.”

“With this generous support, we will be able to provide clean, dry diapers to 2,000 babies, supply period products in schools so that students do not have to choose between going to class and having their period and ensure that senior citizens have the dignity items they need,” said Michelle Old, CEO and founder of Diaper Bank of North Carolina. “When foundations team up with local family support organizations, significant needs can be met.”

The Louise Oriole Burevitch Endowment was established at the North Carolina Community Foundation in 2015. Grants have been made to Burevitch’s designated nonprofits since then. The competitive grants program began in 2018 and has awarded a total of $2.5 million in an effort to improve the communities of eastern NC and the lives of people who live in them. 

 “Mrs. B,” as Burevitch was known to her friends, was a Wilmington native whose generosity was well-known in southeastern North Carolina and beyond. Burevitch passed away in September 2014, leaving behind a fortune that few knew she possessed. Her charitable giving was motivated by her generous nature and concern for the welfare of people and animals. Learn more about her philanthropy.

“The generous legacy of Lousie Oriole Burevitch is a wonderful example of the long-lasting impact of philanthropy through an endowment,” said Jennifer Tolle Whiteside, President & CEO of the North Carolina Community Foundation. “She cared about the well-being of eastern North Carolina’s communities and we are grateful to be carrying out her wishes to provide support for generations to come.”

About the North Carolina Community Foundation 

The North Carolina Community Foundation (NCCF) is the only statewide community foundation serving North Carolina and has administered over $243 million in grants since 1988. With more than $440 million in assets, NCCF sustains more than 1,200 endowments and partners with a network of affiliates to award grants and scholarships in communities across the state.  

An important component of NCCF’s mission is to ensure rural philanthropy has a voice at the local, regional and national levels. 

Media contact
Amy Dominello Braun, Senior Communications & Marketing Officer 
abraun@nccommunityfoundation.org, 919-256-6922