Our Impact

We believe in the power of permanent philanthropy to strengthen communities and people. By stewarding and growing donors’ gifts, we make a powerful impact through robust grants and scholarships programs.

People talking at NCCF's affiliate forum in 2023

How a Community Foundation Works

  • An endowed fund is created with an initial gift from a donor.
  • Through pooled assets and a long-term invesment approach, donors’ gifts grow over time.
  • The earnings are granted out to charitable organizations and awarded as scholarships in perpetuity, creating a lasting community impact.

A State of Generosity

Our work epitomizes how generous people working together can make a difference. Together we’ve established a powerful root system of support across the state.

Supporting nonprofits

Working through our network of fundholders and affiliates, we make grants to nonprofit organizations that support vital community needs, including through application-based grantmaking programs.

NCCF also supports our nonprofit partners through agency funds.

Our network

Serving 60 counties, our local affiliate foundations are our roots in communities. They serve as a catalyst for additional philanthropic growth and act as convenors.

Statewide funds provide grants and scholarships throughout North Carolina.

Generosity in Action

We inspire North Carolinians to make lasting and meaningful contributions to their communities.

What we do

35 Years of Generosity

Annual Impact Reports

Help Support North Carolina Communities

Learn more about how you can support our state through charitable giving.
Ways to give