Support your community through our fundraising challenge

For over a decade, our affiliate foundations serving 60 counties across North Carolina have raised funds in November to support their grantmaking through an annual matching gift campaign called the Chairman’s Challenge.

Give through the Chairman’s Challenge

Find an NCCF affiliate near you and make a gift today.
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How it Works

Every dollar donated for our affiliates’ community grantmaking endowments is invested and grows over time, making an exponential, permanent impact in our communities. Here’s how you can help your community:

GIVE: Make a gift to one of our 53 affiliates supporting 60 counties.

SEND: All gifts must be made online or postmarked by Nov. 30.

MATCH: For every gift in November up to $25,000, a proportional matching gift is provided by the North Carolina Community Foundation. The more that is raised, the more support we will provide to communities!

About the Campaign

Called the Chairman’s Challenge, the campaign originated from the North Carolina Community Foundation’s statewide board of directors. The board chair challenged our affiliate foundations to devote the month of November to growing their community grantmaking endowments

WCCF board members pictured with Hunger and Health Coalition staff
Watauga County Community Foundation board members and grantee the Hunger and Health Coalition

Money raised through the campaign stays in that community and goes to the local affiliate’s community grantmaking endowment, which is invested and grows over time.

The more that is raised, the more support that is provided to communities now and in the future through grants to nonprofits.

Grantmaking at the local level is at the core of what our 53 affiliate foundations do. Our affiliate advisory boards annually make grants to local charitable organizations that help their communities. Our boards know their communities and know where to best direct resources.

We know philanthropic support can make a powerful impact, and NCCF is again supporting our affiliates’ efforts with a proportional matching gift for donations up to $25,000 that are made during November.

The campaign is an important part of building philanthropy across North Carolina, particularly in our rural communities. Over the last decade, more than $6.1 million has been raised to support community grantmaking endowments across the state through donations and the match. 

Currituck-Dare affiliate advisory board members sign Chairman's Challenge campaign cards
Currituck-Dare affiliate advisory board members sign Chairman’s Challenge campaign cards in 2023.
Members of the Lee County Community Foundation Board in 2024
Members of the Lee County Coummunity Foundation advisory board.

Give to an NCCF affiliate foundation near you