All packed for move-in day — check!
One of the best parts of my job is being in touch with our NCCF scholars. There are hundreds of them, and for those freshman in the bunch, their enthusiasm for what lies ahead is energizing! I remember hearing from one in particular who, just before her move-in day, sent me an email telling me that she was “so excited!” Well, I’m so excited for her, too! Finding myself reminiscing about my own start to college, I thought I’d check in with my alma mater. It turns out that this Friday, August 24, is move-in day for their freshman students!
Despite my 15-year homecoming celebration this year (Go Deacs!), I can recall my freshman move-in day like it was — well, like it was not quite that long ago. Shower caddy – check! Twin sheets extra long — check! UL approved power strips – check! Curious about what students are packing these days, I pulled up the “What to Bring” list on the university website. All of those things are still on the list, but there have been some changes, too. My stereo (with double cassette deck and CD player I might add) has been replaced by an “iPod.” My floppy disks have been replaced by a “250 GB or larger external hard drive.” Hot plates are still not allowed, but new to that list is “wireless computer access points.” I wouldn’t have even thought of those!
There is another list, though. It doesn’t get posted on any college or university website, but it’s more important by far. You see, those boxes and suitcases and bags contain more than just stuff. For many students, at least one of those boxes carries the anticipation of the first day of classes. Tucked away in most of those suitcases is the hope to meet new people who will become lifelong friends. You’ll find it packed in between that special mix of excitement and anxiety about moving away from home. For the more than one hundred of our NCCF scholars who are first-generation college students, their bags hold the unfulfilled dreams of all the family members before them, which means maybe there’s a little extra pressure thrown in, too.
What we want all of our NCCF scholars to know is that somewhere, slipped in amongst the laundry bag, the clothes hangers and the pillowcases, you take with you the full support of NCCF and the people in your community who selected you, along with our endless belief in you and our whole-hearted best wishes!
So, scholars, don’t forget your alarm clock…oh, you probably just use your cell phone.
Note: There really are hundreds of NCCF scholars! To find out more about just a few of them, be sure to check out our home page where you can meet our current Scholar Spotlight and link to more profiles.