An abundance of excesses

I just ate two holiday cookies and a muffin, and it is not yet 11 a.m. It’s going to be a long holiday.

But I don’t mean to sound cynical or pessimistic. I love this time of year, don’t you?

So let me start anew: Happy Holidays! 

It is that time of year — that busy, overwhelming, wonderful, stressful, always one step behind, happy time that can provide an opportunity to count our blessings, to eat too much, to take stock of our year and to even focus a bit on being grateful. After all, we all get to start anew in a few weeks, right?

We have so much to be grateful for here at NCCF. I am making a list and checking it twice. Included are:

And the list, as they say, could go on! An abundance of excesses for which to be grateful!

This is a busy time for any community foundation, and NCCF in particular.

Cards and letters and checks arrive every day from across the state and country. Many of you have decided that the time has arrived to create the endowment you have been dreaming of all year. Grants are going out to your favorite causes and passions. The turning of the calendar forces us to accept that the time has come to do all those things we had planned to accomplish much earlier in the year.  An excess of happy to-do’s before the New Year.

We love the calls and emails and cards and correspondence and eagerly connect with you. Each and every point of contact means so much to us.

An abundance of excesses. Our lives are so full.

Happy holidays!