Be prepared

After returning to the office from several restful, relaxing days in the Outer Banks, I learned that US weather forecasters were predicting a more-active-than-usual hurricane season in the Atlantic. 

“Oh great, just what North Carolina needs,” I thought. “More hurricanes!”

We are still recovering from Irene and the devastating tornadoes experienced in 2011.  It was almost a year ago that Irene swept through and produced so much damage in our eastern and coastal communities. I saw damage just last week that was still being repaired. 

So we are hoping that forecasters are wrong, and that this hurricane season spares us.  I also know that here at NCCF we are prepared to put into action our disaster relief plan.  Last year provided an opportunity for our network of affiliates to illustrate the strength of our structure through disaster relief grantmaking in those communities experiencing the most damage.  We have worked to streamline some processes to ensure that the necessary pieces are in place for an effective local response.  In some cases it might need to be a quick response; in others it may mean we’re there to meet unmet needs, long after first responders have left. 

Just like the experts recommend: be informed, make a plan, build a kit and get involved! We at NCCF, in partnership with our statewide affiliate network, have both a plan and a kit to respond.  If you want to get involved now, we invite you to  press the GIVE NOW! button in the upper left-hand corner on any page of our website to learn how you can make a gift, simply by designating your contribution to the NCCF Disaster Relief Fund. 

I am still going to hope the only storm I experience this year is a Carolina Hurricanes game.