Blueberries and small gifts add up

I was recently reminded of a favorite story about blueberries I enjoyed reading to my children and now read to my granddaughter. It’s called “Blueberries For Sal” by Robert McCloskey. 

I can relate to this story in several ways. One is my passion for all things blueberry. I have several blueberry bushes that now provide ample berries every year. I am frequently reminded that we are also fortunate to live in North Carolina, a major blueberry-producing state.

I think the “Ker plink, Ker plank, and Ker plunk” of berries dropping into a tin pail is a reminder that many small items add up to a larger quantity, and in this case, full pails of blueberries can be put away to enjoy during the winter months. My surplus blueberries are shared with family and friends and put away in the freezer for the winter months. But watching my three-year old granddaughter pick a few berries for her bucket and then plop a few in her mouth is priceless, just like Sal did.

This is also true with many small gifts that add up to a bigger endowment to sustain the beneficiary through the years ahead.  The Beaufort County Developmental Center is one of our fund holders that has really encouraged and promoted these gifts to its endowment fund from many different contributors. Gifts have been received to both honor and remember others in the community and in lieu of birthday gifts. They make a conscious effort to ask for these contributions. This organization continues to literally plant other new ideas, such as the greenhouse project with fresh produce, herbs and flowers available for sale to the community, all grown and nurtured by the clients they serve.

The next time you reach for a North Carolina blueberry at your favorite market, give some thought as well to making a small gift to your favorite charity. It will help them get through the winters ahead.