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Columbus County Community Foundation Awards Eight Grants

July 17 was grant day for the Columbus County Community Foundation as board members Geoff Hopkins and Kathy Baker hand-delivered checks to nonprofits around the county

“We had a lot of requests this year, and we are lucky to have the Foundation’s endowment fund to provide resources to meet some of these needs,” said Geoff Hopkins, Foundation board president.  “We are pleased to support the great work of these charities and their dedicated volunteers because they make life better for so many local residents.” 

The Columbus County Community Foundation awarded more than $5,000 in grants to these local initiatives:

Families First, Inc. – Safe Dates relationship education curriculum

Whiteville City Schools – Very Special Arts Festival

Columbus County Literacy Council – Adult education and general operating support

Prevent Blindness NC – In-kind vouchers for prescription glasses, program coordination and school children vision screeners

Columbus County Arts Council – Creative Columbus Workshop/Theatre

East Columbus High School – Sustainable Gardening Project 

American Red Cross –Cape Fear Chapter – Disaster relief and assistance  for Columbus County residents

Girls Scouts NC Coastal Pines – Community outreach and education programs for young women in Columbus County

LaTanya Pattillo, a business education instructor at East Columbus High School who wrote the grant proposal, beamed as she and several teachers and students posed for photos in front of the school’s award-winning garden project.

“This is the first time we have applied for a grant from the Foundation.  These funds will help the students expand their sustainable garden project, which consists of four large raised beds planted with local crops and irrigated with water from the school’s gutters.  The students care for the plants, and they share the vegetables with local residents,” said Pattillo.

Geoff Hopkins noted that the Foundation counts on local supports to sustain the annual grants.  “Our local donors are key to the success of this annual grant program,” said Hopkins.  “Every dollar the people of Columbus County deposit into the endowment fund stays right here in Columbus County to benefit and support our local nonprofits.”

Since 2004, the Columbus County Community Foundation has awarded more than $78,000 in grants to local nonprofits.  Foundation board members are Geoffrey R. Hopkins, President; Henry J. Edmund; Kathy Baker, Randy Britt; Dr. Jim Dimuzio, Becky High, Gary N. Kramer; Terray Suggs and Andy Wayne.  The Columbus County Community Foundation is an affiliate of the North Carolina Community Foundation, which provides support and management services to a number of local endowment funds.  

Anyone wishing to learn more about the Columbus County Community Foundation and its services to the community may contact a local board member or call the North Carolina Community Foundation’s Southeastern office at (910) 509-7256.