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Columbus County Community Foundation awards more than $7,000 in local grants (July 2018)

(From left to right) Henry Edmund, Adam Wooten (CCCF board members), Meredith Morgan (Friends of the NC Natural Sciences Museum), Jane McPherson (Living Hope Pregnancy Support Services), Connie Hill (Lump to Laughter), Jennifer Meekins (The HELP Mission), Ashley Miller (American Heart Association), Becky High, Lisa Richey and Liz McLean (CCCF board members).

The board of advisors of the Columbus County Community Foundation announces $7,060 in local awards from the community grantmaking fund.

This year the board will grant:

Becky High, CCCF board president, thanked the community for its support of the Columbus County Community Foundation. “We are proud to support these nonprofit programs that are so important to our community,” she said. “We are grateful to the many generous individuals and organizations that have supported the Columbus County Community Foundation and our work to inspire philanthropy across our community.”