Driving philanthropy
An auto manufacturer once donated five new vehicles to an impoverished school in Ghana. Three years later, the vehicles were discovered rusting from disuse in the school driveway. What happened? Alas, the school was unable to afford fuel to drive the cars.
A well-intentioned gesture that went sadly astray. We are tempted to criticize on many levels.
But when I heard this story, my first thought was actually one of gratitude. First, gratitude that we are blessed at this Foundation with donors who give thoughtfully and intentionally. Second, gratitude that our work is empowered by local volunteer board members who carefully review, research and ponder how gifts from the NCCF may be most effectively deployed in their communities.
If you are contemplating a gift this year to our annual Chairman’s Challenge, we thank you for your confidence in our work to grow strong communities across our footprint. You may be assured that your gifts will be directed through a diligent and informed grants process.
If you are serving on a local grantmaking committee, we thank you for your willingness to put in the hard work it takes to give money away wisely and well.
Fuel of one type fires the internal combustion engine. Without it, a vehicle goes nowhere fast.
Fuels of other types oil the wheels of philanthropy. Generous giving and thoughtful grantmaking combine to power us forward to more resilient communities, stronger nonprofits and programs that feed, clothe, enrich and inspire.
If you are a donor or volunteer to the North Carolina Community Foundation, we thank you for the wellspring of fuel you are providing. Your generosity truly motivates and energizes our work.
Our pledge to you is to use this energy wisely, responsibly and most gratefully.