Edgecombe Charitable Foundation announces 2012 Awards
The Advisory Board of the Edgecombe Charitable Foundation is proud to announce the 2012 Grant Recipients from the Mary Ferebee Howard Endowment and the Edgecombe Charitable Fund:
National Society to Prevent Blindness
Down East Partnership for Children
My Sister’s House, Inc.
The Salvation Army of Rocky Mount
Calvary Episcopal Churchyard
ECU/NCSU Collaborative at the Gateway Technology Center
Conetoe Family Life Center, Inc.
Edgecombe County Cultural Arts Council, Inc.
Crossworks Inc.
Buck Leonard Association for Sports & Human Enrichment, Inc.
Howard Memorial Presbyterian Church- Memorial Garden and Old Town Cemetary
Lupus Foundation of America Inc. Piedmont Chapter
Sylvan Heights Waterfowl Park & Eco-Center
Tarboro Community Outreach Inc.
United Community Ministries
Nearly $38,000.00 has been distributed to these organizations and will support a variety of charitable causes in Edgecombe County including education, human services, historic preservation and the environment.