FCCF Board Awards Two Grants to Local Non-Profits

The Franklin County Community Foundation Board of Directors recently awarded a grant of $500 to Care and Share in Louisburg. The Board awards grants annually to non-profits serving citizens in Franklin County. From left to right, front row: Nikki Perry and Karen Wilson from Care and Share; Al Wheless, Board Chair; Second row: Ruth Wheless; Diane Fleming; Darrell Smith; Third row: Paris Branch-Ramadan; Holt Kornegay; Robert Poole.


The FCCF Board of Directors also awarded a grant of $500 to Safe Space in Louisburg. From left to right, front row: Al Wheless, Board Chair; Linda Rudolph, Director, Safe Space; Second row: Darrell Smith; Diane Fleming; Ruth Wheless; Third row: Holt Kornegay; Robert Poole; Paris Branch-Ramadan.

For more information on the Franklin County Community Foundation, visit www.nccommunityfoundation.org under Affiliates/Franklin.