Frances Abbot Burton Powers Fund accepting grant applications (August 2022)

The Frances Abbot Burton Powers Fund for support of the city of Henderson will be accepting grant applications for its annual grants cycle.

The endowment will make grant funds available for government entities and nonprofit organizations that benefit the city of Henderson and have a physical location in Henderson.

Applications will be accepted Aug. 15 – Sept. 15. Grants typically range from $5,000 to $15,000.

Applicants should submit a grant application, the program/project budget and organizational budget. A board of advisors will determine grant awards.

For further information, contact NCCF Program Officer Kelly Lee at

About the North Carolina Community Foundation

The North Carolina Community Foundation is the single statewide community foundation serving North Carolina and has administered more than $217 million in grants since its inception in 1988. With more than $400 million in assets, NCCF sustains more than 1,200 endowments established to provide long-term support of a broad range of community needs, nonprofit organizations, institutions and scholarships.

NCCF partners with a network of affiliate foundations to provide local resource allocation and community assistance across the state. An important component of NCCF’s mission is to ensure that rural philanthropy has a voice at local, regional and national levels.