Happy New Year from NCCF!

Our new fiscal year started April 1st.  I have yet to find any other organization that has the same fiscal year as we do, but I have to say I like it.  April provides a great buffer after the end of the calendar year to get all those things done that you had planned to get done by December.   April also marks the beginning of spring here in North Carolina, so now that everything is blooming it just feels like a great way to start a new year.  So what is ahead for us in this new year?  Well for one, we are celebrating our 25 anniversary, something you will be hearing more of in the days and weeks ahead.  We have elected new board leaders, are implementing some technology improvements you will be noticing, and are working to implement the recommendations contained in our FUTURES Committee Report.  Already your grantmaking is in full swing across the state, scholarships are active, and our affiliate calendar is full of events, meetings, trainings and presentations.  

Happy New Year!