HCCF’s 14th Annual Golf Tournament at Bayonet

The HCCF will host their 14th Annual Golf Tournament on Friday, October 3, 2014 at Bayonet at Puppy Creek in Raeford.  The tournament serves as the primary funding source for the Hoke County Unrestricted Fund, a permanent charitable endowment that has been established by the Hoke County Community Foundation.

This fund is managed by a local board of directors, and all of the funds benefit causes in Hoke County.  Already, the Hoke County Unrestricted Fund has benefited a wide range of nonprofits in our area.  We have awarded grants to the following agencies:  American Red Cross- Highlands Chapter, Called Into Action Inc., Cape Fear Council Boy Scouts of America, Cape Fear Council Cub Scouts of America, Children’s Developmental Center, First Baptist Christian Academy, Habitat for Humanity, Healthy Hoke Task Force, Hoke County 4-H, Hoke County Public Library, Hoke County Special Olympics, North Carolina Turkey Festival, Our Father’s Children Day Care Center, Prevent Blindness NC, Raeford-Hoke Literacy Council, Raeford-Hoke Museum, Sandy Grove Methodist Church Child Care Center, Silver Grove Missionary Baptist Church and West Hoke Middle School Winterguard.

Some of the exciting offers and events during the tournament will include:  vehicle for hole-in-one, closest to the hole prizes, door prizes, a raffle for a full one year membership at Bayonet, lunch, beverages, mulligans and a 50-50 split-the-pot raffle.

All sponsorship levels must be returned by September 26, 2014 so that we can give your business the appropriate recognition.  For more information, please call John Jordan at 975-3135 or Bayonet Golf Course at 904-1500.