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HCWGMW Fund accepting grant applications

The Northern Albemarle Community Foundation, an affiliate of the North Carolina Community Foundation, is accepting grant applications for the HCWGMW Donor Advised Fund.

The HCWGMW Donor Advised Fund will continue to support projects focused on healthy eating and active living initiatives with youth in need. Nonprofits collaborating with other organizations will be considered. Letters of support from the partner organization will be required when submitting. $150,000 is available for 2020.

Applications will be accepted from nonprofits serving programs in Camden, Gates, Pasquotank and Perquimans counties beginning Oct. 1. The deadline to apply is noon Oct. 22. Organizations interested in applying should visit:

Since 2016, the HCWGMW Donor Advised Fund has provided more than $650,000 in grant funding to nonprofits in the four-county area to make our community healthier.

For further information, contact NCCF Community Leadership Office Natalie Jenkins Peel at or 252-562-9824.

When applying: