It’s another home run at NCCF!
As you may know, we have a couple of openings on our staff and have been busy meeting with potential candidates over the past weeks. I really enjoy the opportunity to meet with folks and appreciate the questions they have for us about our work.
Sometimes candidates will ask what a typical day is like at the Foundation. The answer is always: “Well, no two days are ever the same.” What remains constant is that we are thankfully very busy and that we get to meet with and work with the most interesting people!
Today has been an interesting day at NCCF. The morning began with an early Wake County Community Foundation breakfast meeting at our office where members discussed their planning for 2014 and an upcoming event, followed by several donor meetings, a webinar and several phone conversations with grantees.
After lunch the audit committee met with our auditors Cherry Bekaert to hear the audit presentation. Fiscal responsibility is something we take very seriously here at NCCF. Along with top notch staff, we have a strong, well-managed and well-informed audit committee of members who ask lots of questions. We had another clean audit this year with strong internal controls cited. I am proud of the governance our board provides and the commitment they have made to the organization.
This afternoon our staff travels to meet with staff from the Triangle Community Foundation in their offices in Durham and will follow it with a Durham Bulls game, where we will eat ball park food, laugh and watch some baseball with our colleagues. Baseball is such a good analogy for the work our team performs here and a great way to celebrate together.
I can’t wait for tomorrow! Play ball!