NCCF among top in USA for number of grants; gift size has room to grow

A recently released a report offers some new ways to benchmark the work of community foundations. Traditionally, asset size has been one of the frequently utilized measurements.  Here at NCCF we know that asset size only tells one part of the story — and use additional ways to illustrate and measure our community impact and value.

There are more than 700 community foundations across the country, and in the aforementioned report (“Benchmarking Beyond Asset Size: New Top 100 List for Community Foundations” compiled by FSG Social Impact Advisors), survey participants were ranked based on three areas — Most Active Grantmakers; Most Gifts Per Capita; and Most Activity.

We were not surprised to see North Carolina Community Foundation ranked number 25 nationally in terms of total number of gifts and grants processed annually.  In 2009 we processed more than 7,000 (!) gifts and grants — clear evidence of the generosity of North Carolinians.  This is good news.

There is another side to this coin, however. The other information provided indicates that our average transaction size is low in comparison to many of the other foundations on this list. 

This is a snapshot of what is both our biggest opportunity as well as our biggest challenge.  We work to ensure that every philanthropic-minded person in a community is inspired to make lasting and meaningful contributions. Our unique affiliate structure provides a number of different ways that donations of any size can make a difference. Our mission calls for us to ensure that philanthropy is accessible to all. And we have certainly seen the very big impact that even small gifts can have – especially in a recessionary economy.

Our challenge is to ensure that we continue to grow: our value, our impact, our reach and our gifts.

Thank you for working with us to make a difference in your communities.