NCCF Disaster Relief Fund supports Hurricane Sandy needs in Currituck-Dare
The North Carolina Community Foundation granted $7,000 from its Disaster Relief Fund to support relief efforts related to Hurricane Sandy in the Currituck-Dare area, according to Rodney E. Martin, chair of NCCF’s grants committee and a member of the statewide board.
The Currituck-Dare Community Foundation, an NCCF affiliate, received the grant and allocated $6,000 to the Beach Food Pantry, which suffered extensive damage. Flooding to its facility resulted in the loss of refrigerators, freezers, phones and furniture.
The remaining $1,000 will be held by the Currituck-Dare Community Foundation to meet future unmet needs related to the storm. All funds raised by NCCF for the Disaster Relief Fund go directly to nonprofit organizations serving the needs of local victims in counties served by the NCCF. No portion is used for the Foundation’s administrative or operational expenses, which the Foundation also encourages among local recipient agencies.
“We were so fortunate to be able to grant NCCF Disaster Relief funds to the Beach Food Pantry, which serves such a critical role in our region,” said Sheila Tyler, president of the board of the Currituck-Dare Community Foundation.