New growth and strong roots: Navigating a time of change at NCCF

A refresh, an update, a tweak…whatever you call it, we are experiencing change here at NCCF. I believe it has been my chorus over the last year: we are going through change.

Many say that change is the new normal in our world. They say change is good, important and being nimble and flexible is a measure of success for organizations. Yes, to all of that.

However, we are not changing for the sake of it. The changes we are making to our systems, minimums, fees and technological structure have evolved after long deliberation and study.

This is common for community foundations. Our business model is quite young and is still evolving. We’re always working to determine what works best for our customers and what is most effective for our mission. Larger changes in our state, especially those affecting North Carolina’s rural communities, also add considerations. After all, we are not just a business. We have a charitable mission that extends across our state and calls upon us to always be our best.

The challenge we face is the reality that we are a large organization made up of more than 1,300 funds, affiliate boards in many of our state’s counties and a geographic footprint that extends across North Carolina. We are not, and have never been, a few people in Raleigh making decisions around a conference table. We are a large complex organization with many constituents and leaders who have both a long history and a shared commitment to our organization and mission.

We understand that some of the changes may be a challenge for some of our partners. Some of the changes are a challenge for some members of our team. Some of these changes might even be a challenge for you personally.

We hear you. We are proud of our relationship with you and the knowledge our partnership allows us to bring to the table. We are working to ensure this work has purpose and meaning. With you, we will continue to listen, adapt and focus on transforming North Carolina through philanthropy.

We have an incredible mission. To continue to meet our mission, we need to be focused and clear. We need to work toward moving forward unified. Unity does not mean a rigid model, or a one size fits all approach, rather a variety of ways for every North Carolinian to be involved with philanthropy.

Our new system giving fundholders online access to their funds is the latest example of these changes. We made this investment in response to requests to increase access and convenience. It’s the result of years’ worth of work and deliberation. We believe it will be a service to our fundholders and our mission.

Behind all these changes is our desire to serve you better and continue our mission to inspire North Carolinians to make lasting and meaningful contributions to their communities.

We couldn’t do this without you, and we look forward to continuing our work together.