North Carolina Healing Communities Fund distributes nearly $2 million in grants to nonprofits impacted by COVID-19
The North Carolina Community Foundation is pleased to announce nearly $2 million in grants from the North Carolina Healing Communities Fund.
Through this first application cycle of the Fund, 59 grants were made to nonprofit organizations all across North Carolina to assist their recovery from the financial impacts of COVID-19. The grants range from $25,000 to $50,000, totaling $1,986,429.
Of the organizations supported by grants in this round, all report primarily serving marginalized communities, and 97% report being located in marginalized communities. In addition, 100% of the grantees report financial impacts due to COVID-19, and most have operating budgets below $1 million.
For eleven of the grant recipients, their funding is accompanied by capacity building services from Rural Forward NC, a program of the Foundation for Health Innovation and Leadership. This support is intended to bolster the funding to ensure that nonprofit organizations critical to their communities sustain and grow stronger beyond the pandemic.
The North Carolina Healing Communities Fund provides critical resources for nonprofit organizations in North Carolina that have been impacted severely by COVID‐19 through revenue loss and increased demand, according to Leslie Ann Jackson, NCCF vice president of community investment and engagement. “The Fund’s focus is on marginalized communities that have been disproportionately affected by the virus and its economic impacts and have been underserved by other sources of financial assistance – specifically communities of lower wealth, communities of color, mostly rural communities and where English may not be the primary language,” she said. “A committee of 10 leaders from a variety of sectors and a diversity of perspectives made grant decisions on a rolling basis in March and April, with final distributions made in May.”
Please click here for a current list of grants.
One of the grantees, the Community Housing Coalition of Madison County, reports that this grant made a significant difference to their organization. According to Whitney Mitchell, fund development associate and grant writer, “Since receiving the great news and funding from North Carolina Community Foundation, the grant from NC Healing Communities Fund has helped our organization recover from the financial impacts of COVID-19 by allowing us to operate our staff and programs at full capacity just in time for a safer Volunteer ‘Neighbors Helping Neighbors’ program this summer, during which volunteers contributed 38.5 hours to replace an elderly, disabled veteran’s front and back porches and steps.”
Roots of Recovery, a nonprofit organization in Pender county that supports women in their addiction recovery, also received a grant from the NC Healing Communities Fund. Executive director Catherine McDowell commented, “As we all navigated this period of social distancing, remote work, limited office hours, and widespread building closures, Roots of Recovery had hit a roadblock moving our program forward. The demand on our ability to provide supportive services has skyrocketed, and we have encountered challenges working to host our Peer Support program and increase our shelter housing. We are now able to purchase an adjoining property with two additional residences for women and children, complete much needed repairs to our first residence, and expand our bed capacity.”
The NC Healing Communities Fund reopened on May 3 offering another $2 million, and by June 11 received requests totaling twice that amount. Those applications are currently under review.
NCCF is grateful to corporations and foundations that have helped to launch the Fund through generous contributions, including the State Employees’ Credit Union Foundation, Duke Endowment, Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust, First Citizens Bank, Anonymous Trust, Jonas Foundation, Barnhill Family Foundation, Novartis Foundation and Fidelity Bank.
Top photo provided by: Community Housing Coalition of Madison County // Bottom photo provided by: Roots of Recovery