November is the month to honor nonprofits, foundations and philanthropy
November is a big month in our field.
It’s Nonprofit Month. It also contains Community Foundation Week (Nov. 12-18). And of course there is Philanthropy Day, which varies from market to market but is generally acknowledged on Nov. 15.
If you’re a bit skeptical about all of these recognitions, you shouldn’t be. The nonprofit sector in general and community foundations in particular have a big impact on the economy, sustaining local communities and building our futures.
Did you know, for example, that nonprofits generate $33 billion a year in North Carolina alone? This amazing statistic, supplied by the NC Center for Nonprofits, is just one metric making a difference in our state. (Get to know more about the nonprofit sector in North Carolina by checking out this YouTube video produced by the NC Center for Nonprofits.)
Community foundations will celebrate their 100th anniversary this year. With numbers approaching 800, these organizations remain vibrant and growing because of their impact on communities throughout the country. Community foundations are public entities that steward philanthropic resources from institutional and individual donors to local nonprofits that are the heart of strong, vibrant communities. NCCF celebrates a quarter of a century this year, and we’re proud of the $74 million we’ve helped our fundholders build and donate to causes across the state since 1988.
National Philanthropy Day was created to celebrate generosity, the great philanthropists and those who promote and develop philanthropy in our nation and state. While nationally recognized as Nov. 15, the day your local Association of Fundraising Professionals actually celebrates may vary, so Google your local chapter of AFP to find your date.
NCCF is proud to recognize and be a part of all of the celebrations this month. And throughout November, we will highlight some of our generous fundholders who represent the very best of philanthropy and our nonprofit partners across North Carolina — our agency endowment holders, our grantee partners and those who work with us to help build and strengthen communities. Be sure to check out our website and visit our social media outlets all this month to catch these deserving shout-outs!