Recruiting Strong Boards

As we approach the end of the year, we know our affiliate boards are having conversations about recruiting new members.  

Strong boards are essential to fulfilling our mission of ensuring long-term community support. Strategy, intentional planning and a focused commitment on recruitment and retention are critical to ensure effective and diverse leadership. 

Recruiting and retaining strong and committed board members is also one of the key elements of Criteria for Success, which guides our work as affiliates. At least annually, boards should review their membership. Determine who will be rotating off the board and ensure that board representation is inclusive in terms of geography, demographics, race and experiences. Ask who is not at the board table that needs to be. 

Boards should also look at their Community Needs Assessment. It contains information about the demographic makeup of your county that can guide your recruitment approach. It can also help you consider the most pressing issues in your community and whether there are people on the board with expertise in that area. 

To lay a solid foundation in your recruitment efforts, envision the ideal board needed to execute our mission and goals. Identify the skills, perspectives, talents, connections and information needed for your board to accomplish its work.  

Then develop a pipeline of potential candidates, prioritizing those that meet the metrics you select.  As you approach board recruitment, there are places that you can turn to for help in finding strong candidates:  

As you determine potential board members, initiate a conversation with identified candidates, either in person or through email. Our team has developed board recruitment tools to help you connect with potential affiliate board members and talk about your affiliate. Whether you are connecting with them electronically or in person, please reach out to your Community Leadership Officer and request a recruitment packet.

Included in our packets are: 

If you have questions or need a packet, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your CLO for assistance.