Spring is so full of promise!

Spring is officially here today, and with spring comes many promises. It is a time of packages arriving in the mail. Each one is filled with the hopes and dreams of scholarship applicants, seeking financial help to set them on their next path to academic opportunity. Sometimes the letters from the students touch me and our scholarship committee members to our core, others are so uplifting and brimming with dreams.

The scholarship committees will begin meeting shortly after the close of the application season, and every page of each student’s application will be carefully read by every committee member. Each scholarship awarded is carefully matched to the fund’s criteria, and we are excited to be able to fulfill some of the dreams that students share with us. We always wish there was more that could be done for each student who applies.

More packages will begin arriving in just a few weeks from nonprofit organizations seeking grants to help them provide much needed services and programs in our communities. These also are full of hopes and dreams of a slightly different nature than those of the students, but just as compelling for our attention and support.

Spring is also a time farmers are in the fields planting spring crops, and I head to my garden to do the same. I am reminded often that the work of our many donors and volunteers who help with so many important services are all helping to grow the financial seeds for future needs. A new seed just popped up yesterday from a donor, and this new scholarship opportunity will help a new graduating senior reach for a dream and academic goals. Spring can be so full of promises!