Time is slipping away

The time is slipping away — the year is almost gone. I am feverishly running around trying to finish everything on my “do to list” and going to bed each night later and later  — with thoughts of what needs to done tomorrow running through my brain. I am now convinced that time is too short to accomplish everything on my list. But here is the good news about what we have done:

And what about those holiday cards, photo calendars, handmade gifts, baking like my mother used to do, holiday parties and get-togethers, doctors appointments, craft projects with my daughter, thank-you notes,  house cleaning, closet cleaning,  windows washed, dog washed and car cleaning that I had hoped to accomplish before our guests arrive? Oh yes, and that organized, centralized gift-wrapping area I was going to establish pulling all those papers and tissue from out of closets and underneath beds throughout the house?  Well, not so much.

Again the year is closing with so much yet to accomplish and so many plans not yet completed. Sometimes the push to get all of this done gets in the way of focusing on what is in front of us and what is truly important.  As we grieve over the extraordinary loss that is unfolding in Newtown, with each of us aware of the fragility of life in our own circle, there simply is not enough time to do all that we think we should. It is chilling to consider how quickly life moves. 

So, I am taking a deep breath and remembering what is in my heart and what is most important to me: to hug my family and friends and to look them in the eye and tell them I love them, to cry and light a candle for those we have lost this year, to be kind and to laugh as much as I possibly can.  

I wish you peace over this holiday and in 2013.