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Watauga Community Foundation Awards 2012 Spirit of Philanthropy Award

Watauga County Community Foundation awards 2012 Spirit of Philanthropy Award

The board of advisors of the Watauga County Community Foundation (WCCF) is pleased to announce the High Country United Way as the recipient of this year’s Spirit of Philanthropy award. WCCF presents the award annually to the individuals and/or organizations that best exemplify excellence in philanthropy and community spirit.

The award was presented at WCCF’s annual luncheon celebrating National Philanthropy Day at the Blowing Rock Conference Center Nov. 15. 

This year’s Spirit of Philanthropy Award came with an added bonus in the form of a $2,500 grant.  According to Brian Crutchfield, WCCF advisory board member, the selection of the High Country United Way was in recognition of its history of positive impact in the community. The organization has raised and distributed more than $5 million since it was founded 35 years ago.  In presenting the award, Crutchfield also cited United Way’s recent leadership in coordinating the High Country Visions Council. 

Part of the United Way’s transition to a new funding model focused on collective impact and collaboration, and the Visions Council brought together community leaders representing different sectors and issue areas to identify priorities for future allocation of funds. The grant from WCCF will support projects and initiatives identified by the Visions Council. “The United Way is using this new initiative to move forward and affect long-term change in community conditions,” Crutchfield said. “They know that it’s not just about the money, it’s about bringing our community together.”