What would you do if you could not fail?

So, Happy 2016!  

I am just going to keep saying it. Yes we are well into the month, but I plan to continue to wish everyone a great year for at least the next three weeks or until Valentine’s Day. Whether you engage in developing a specific written annual list of resolutions or you employ a shortened version (perhaps tweeting five words to guide your year) or if you are the kind of person who does not think resolutions are even a good idea — I believe we can all agree that the new year is an opportunity to take time to reflect and look ahead about what you want the year to bring. What would you like to do? How are you going to make it happen? A plan as they say. Or at least an opportunity to put some thought into the future.

If you Google the top resolutions folks make, you can see that they fall into some major categories: health (quit smoking, drinking, lose weight, get fit, exercise more); social/emotional (spend more time with family/friends, enjoy life more, help others more, reduce stress); to developing a new skill or talent (learn something new, get organized, get out of debt etc.).

I can’t disagree with any of these resolutions, but I find a list of resolutions challenging. Last year my resolution was to be able to light a fire in my fireplace with one match, something I did master with the help of some great kindling and really long matches. I feel good about it. This year my resolution is to master a particular yoga pose that I find particularly hard, in fact I think it is so hard I usually give up in my mind before I even try.

A pattern of resolution-making is emerging for me: to keep working at something I find challenging — and not discourage myself and just give up.

What great thing would you attempt if you knew you would not fail? 

Here’s hoping you have some things in mind to attempt in 2016.