Who can support local needs in our communities?

Lately there’s been an uptick in the number of invitations to meet with folks who are deeply concerned about unmet needs in their local community, hometown, birthplace, that small town that touches their heart. And they are thinking about their legacy, questioning how they can make a difference.

For those of us lucky enough to grow up in rural communities and small towns all across North Carolina, we readily know an answer to that question — we think of our local needs often, sometimes with concern, sometimes with uncertainty. But in the 67 counties, many rural, mostly small towns, that the North Carolina Community Foundation serves, we offer solutions through our philanthropic services, our grantmaking programs and our community leadership initiatives.

Partnered with our donors, fundholders and community volunteers we make a difference every day. Some would say that there is no better gift to a community than unrestricted grantmaking endowments, or donor advised funds, scholarships. What do all of these have in common?  They can support our NC communities, now and in the future. 

These funds, endowment funds, energize local support and remind me of small engines, churning along, moving forward, creating energy, supporting change. Even in times of uncertainty, our endowment funds can continue to support needs in your community.  

If you, like so many of the folks I meet with in North Carolina, are seriously thinking about the needs in your community, consider a gift to an endowment, consider creating an endowment, or consider a legacy gift to an endowment. The needs will be present, and with your philanthropic interest, you can be a part of the solution in so many of our communities.

One last thought. Who among us is capable of such support of local need? The answer is truly anyone.  Just in the past few weeks, we have spoken with families, individuals, foundations and companies who are looking for solutions to meet local needs — and they are learning about the many flexible opportunities that exist in making the gift of endowment in their communities.  It’s happening in North Carolina today!