Why we do what we do

“Slow down,” the highway sign said. “Reduce Speed”… okay… foot off the gas pedal.  I’m slowing down.  Tall  trees and open fields, and this river I’m crossing. How come I hadn’t noticed how big it was before?  I’m even paying attention now to the lyrics of the song on the radio. 

Slowing down … shifting perspectives.  I’m reminded of what I read in a New Year’s blog: “Advice  — spend at least 15 minutes a day in deliberate thought about something bigger than your to-do list. It’s not about what you’re doing but why you’re doing it.”

Ah yes, slowing down … take the foot off the accelerator.  The real one and the one in my head that propels my to-do list.

The road trip still fresh in my mind, I decided last Thursday to ignore the list and take time to do something that helps me remember why I love my job and why I work at the NCCF. Joined by two colleagues, I attended the annual grants award ceremony of the Moore County Community Foundation. 

The board member addresses the nonprofit grantees, “This is the happiest day of the year for the Foundation. You are the heartbeat of Moore County!”

Thirty-two organizations — ranging from healthcare, to mental health services, performing arts, historic preservation, homelessness and housing, education, domestic violence, dental care, tutoring, positive youth development, services and respite care for people with disabilities, food and nutrition programs, help for the elderly and the blind, emergency services, adult literacy, technology for underserved youth, youth chorale and theater programs, and character education for children and youth — are awarded grants totaling close to $85,000!

A hush of silence as each nonprofit stands and describes what it will do with the grant funds, everyone listening intently in our slow down mode, and in awe of the collective work that reaches young and old in every aspect of enhancing the quality of life for all who live in Moore County. 

We’re half way through 2013 and what better time for some mid-year check-ins on those New Year resolutions?  I’ve decided that on my to-do list will be asking myself what will help me experience the why; a few road trips might be just the thing.