Kadiatou Diawara

A 2023 graduate of New Bern High School, she is attending North Carolina State University.

Diawara’s experiences growing up in New Bern, as first-generation Malian American, honors student and Black woman compelled her to join organizations where she could break stereotypical barriers and make a positive impact on the lives of others.

A recipient of the New Bern Breakfast Rotary Todd Denson Memorial Scholarship, she served as president of the Junior Civitans, co-president of the Thurgood Marshall Club, vice president of Project Unify, captain of the NBHS varsity track and field team. In her role as Junior Civitan president and Thurgood Marshall co-president, she presented cultural history programs, addressed racial issues, organized food and clothing drives, and raised money for local charities.

2023 NCCF Scholar Kadiatou Diawara
Photo: Emily Saunders Photography

A member of the National Honor Society, Diawara plans to study marketing with the goal of becoming a social media marketer for an inclusive fashion or beauty brand that promotes diversity. Through this career she wants to empower people of color, especially darker-skinned women, who struggle with prejudice on social media and in industry jobs.

“No one should ever feel like they aren’t allowed to speak up about issues of prejudice. My experiences have taught me to how to spread love, compassion and knowledge to people in my community. I hope to share my experience of discrimination, and support other students and staff on their journeys toward racial equity. I hope to further my education to gain more knowledge about racial issues in society and better advocate for marginalized groups like my own.”

Kadiatou Diawara, 2023 NCCF Scholar

Photo: Emily Saunders Photography