Margaret Anagnos
The latest in our Scholar Spotlight series is Margaret Anagnos from Blowing Rock. Margaret is a recipient of the John and Ruth Blue Scholarship. During high school, she was dually enrolled at Watauga High School and the N.C. School of Science and Mathematics. She was not only captain of the varsity tennis and outdoor track teams at Watauga High School, but also valedictorian of her class. She is an Advanced Placement Scholar with Distinction and a Morehead-Cain Scholarship semifinalist. Outside of her academic achievements, Margaret was a senate page for the N.C. General Assembly, an intern for the World Bank in Washington, D.C. and founded Up With Downs, a nonprofit summer camp for adults with intellectual disabilities. She also initiated the founding of the Scholars with Diverse Abilities (SDA) program at Appalachian State University, a post-secondary educational program for her campers and other adults with intellectual disabilities. Margaret will attend the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she plans to major in chemistry. NCCF congratulates Margaret on winning this year’s Blue Scholarship. We can’t wait to see what this accomplished scholar achieves in the future!