Rachel Shoemaker

Next in our Scholar Spotlight series is Rachel Shoemaker from Hendersonville. Rachel is a recipient of the Peter S. Slomianyj Scholarship and a graduate of West Henderson High School. She currently attends the University of North Carolina at Wilmington.

In her sophomore year of high school Rachel became a certified PADI Open Water Diver. It was during this time that she realized working with the ocean was her calling in life. Senior year she volunteered at Team ECCO, an aquarium in her home town. For these reasons and for her love of marine ecosystems, Rachel chose to attend UNCW for their top marine biology program.

Additionally, Rachel held a job 5 days of the week, was Senior and Entertainment Editor of her high school’s newspaper, and was an active member of numerous clubs including: KEY Club, Foreign Language Club, Pride and Junior Civitan Club, Quill and Scroll International Honor Society for High School Journalists, National Honor Society, and the NSPA Journalism Honor Roll.

NCCF congratulates Rachel and wishes her the best of luck in her first year of college!