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Community Needs Assessments: A Grantmaking Tool Available to You

As a fundholder at the North Carolina Community Foundation, you benefit from our connections to 60 counties statewide through our affiliate network.

Each year NCCF program officers create a Community Needs Assessment (CNA) for affiliate foundation boards to enhance the effectiveness of their grants programs. The assessments summarize county-specific data from respected, non-partisan sources and trusted community partners.

This local data includes health, education and economic indicators, such as unemployment and housing, and are presented to each affiliate board in advance of their grant cycle to help inform decisions.

With the latest CNAs now available on our website, we want to make sure fundholders know about this tool that can be used to help guide grantmaking decisions.

Fundholders have many important causes they support, and the CNAs can help fundholders discover other significant community needs that may be of interest.

Want to get a copy of a CNA and learn more about a particular community’s needs? Visit any of our affiliates’ web pages or reach out to your donor engagement officer to get a copy of a CNA for your community.

Contact us

NCCF Donor Engagement Team

Mary Malaythong

Director of Donor Engagement

Kim Ball

Donor Engagement Officer – Eastern NC

Jan Pender

Donor Engagement Officer – Central NC

Jeanne Dairaghi

Donor Engagement Officer – Western NC