Setting Up Online Fund Portal Access
Using NCCF’s Online Fund Portal is a convenient, reliable and secure way to manage your philanthropy. You can view your quarterly fund statement, check your fund balance, see your grant history, view past contributions and make grant requests.
Please read through the information below to learn more about how to use the Online Fund Portal. Need additional assistance? Email
How to set up your account
New fundholders will receive an email from our online system when your fund is set up to activate your account and log in.
The email will contain a link that will allow you to access the system, set up your password and log in for the first time.
If you have not received your access email or are an existing fundholder who would like to begin using the Online Fund Portal, send an email to
How to log in to your account for the first time
When you receive your log-in access email, the link will take you to the following screen. Your name and login (email address) will populate automatically. Simply input and confirm a password and save it.
Once your password is set, you will see the following screen populated with your login (email address):
Once you click continue you will be able to access your fund through the portal. Learn more about how to navigate the portal.
Contact your donor engagement officer or email