Grants and scholarships season opens across the state
Community grantmaking and scholarships seasons have kicked off for 2019. NCCF is honored to continue these vital programs in communities across North Carolina. Grant and scholarships funding is the cornerstone of the Foundation’s programs and the driving force behind our mission to inspire philanthropy.
Grants calendars for our local affiliate foundations are again available on our community grantmaking page. They can be found chronologically here or alphabetically here. Affiliate grantmaking amounts and guidelines are posted on the affiliates’ respective pages. You can locate the affiliate serving your community here. Tools for grantseekers and grant reviewers are also available. NCCF is honored to partner with our affiliate advisory board members to administer and award grants in communities across the state.
Scholarships season details, tools and application information are also available. Deadlines range from February to May. NCCF is proud to administer local, regional and statewide scholarships programs on behalf of our generous fundholders. We continue to support these vital scholarships programs because we’ve witnessed the trajectories of individuals and families in communities across the state transform thanks to these important funds.
NCCF administers more than 150 scholarships funds in partnership with our fundholders and scholarships committees. Many of these funds have a tremendous impact supporting first generation students across the state. Last year, the Foundation awarded nearly $800,000 in scholarships to more than 350 students, most of whom chose to attend North Carolina schools.
NCCF administers more than 1,300 endowment funds, including our affiliate community grantmaking funds across the state, in partnership with our generous fundholders and community leaders. Last year, we made more than $15 million in grants, bringing our cumulative total to $145 million over the last 30 years.
Last year, more than $22 million in gifts were given to strengthen communities and causes across the state, according to Christopher Fipps, NCCF grants program manager. “Grants and scholarships funding across the state continues to grow, thanks to generous fundholders and donors like you,” he said. “We could not be more grateful for your continued support.”