The application instructions include notes to guide you toward submitting a strong application. Some of that information is below, and we have added some suggestions. We want your application to be as strong as it can be!
Program Interests
- Your application should show a primary focus on education, health or human services. Your proposal may involve more than one of those areas, but we ask that you choose a primary one. Your proposal is not strengthened by addressing more than one of these areas, nor weakened by only addressing one.
- The program has some preference for services provided to women, children/youth, and/or the elderly, as well as services provided in southeastern NC. We will seek a diverse portfolio including grants outside of these interest areas. Do what makes the most sense for your organization.
Program Restrictions
- Restricted organizations and purposes are in the Request for Proposals.
- Only submit one proposal per organization each year.
- Organizations may not receive more than $50,000 total from the Louise Oriole Burevitch Endowment each year. If your organization already receives a grant through this fund, you may apply if you meet the eligibility requirements, but your request may not exceed a total of $50,000 for the year.
Application Content
- The application questions ask the “Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?” of your work. Thinking about those elements in advance will help the writing process.
- Tell us the story of your work. Practice by answering the questions out loud to yourself or someone else. Then, put those words in writing.
- Speak to both the heart and the head of the committee, not just one or the other. The most successful applications include both compelling descriptions and solid technical information.
- Make sure that you are answering the questions. Be thorough and respond directly to what is asked.
- The character limits are a maximum. If you have achieved a thorough response in fewer characters than allowed, you do not need to go on. Please note, the character count includes spaces and symbols.
- The instructions are there to help you provide the information that we are looking for, so read and follow them carefully. Once you decide whether you are applying for general operating support or program/project funding, that will impact your responses to several questions.
Budget Documentation
- Required budget templates are provided within the application. Submitting your budget information on any other document will result in disqualification.
- Your selected request type will determine the budget form that you are required to use.
- Make sure the form is complete before you submit it and that the numbers reconcile.
- For example, if you are requesting funding for a program/project, you must include your expenses for the entire program/project and identify which expenses you are requesting from this fund. The amount requested in your proposal should match the total of the expenses requested from this fund.
- If you are requesting general operating support, the total expenses on the budget form should match what you entered as your total organizational budget.
- Do not delay! The deadline is noon on July 30, 2024. Do not wait until the last minute to submit your proposal. We strive to maintain fair and consistent practices that do not include exceptions.
Contact our grants program manager