Kathryn Roebuck Holding, J.D.
Unlock the potential of complex assets to support your clients’ philanthropy and maximize their tax benefits.
Your clients have diversified portfolios and may need to give complex assets to maximize tax benefits. Donations of complex assets can create significant resources for the causes and organizations your clients care about.
NCCF accepts a variety of assets, allowing for flexible giving. Our staff works closely with you and your clients to consider assets most appropriate to use for charitable gifts. We have expertise in handling complex gift transactions, helping your clients transform assets into charitable resources.
Cash, credit card, wire transfer, or online. Learn more.
Publicly traded stock, mutual finds and exchange traded funds.
If your clients are 70 1/2 or older, they can make a qualified charitable distribution from their IRA of up to $100,000 into several types of NCCF funds, excluding DAFs.
Residential and commercial property. Real estate must have a fair market value of at least $100,000 and be deemed marketable within two years from date of gift. Learn more about gifts of real estate.
Privately held stock, limited partnerships, LLC interests and other business interests. Asset must have value of at least $100,000 and be approved by NCCF Executive Committee. Learn more about gifts of closely-held stock.
If your client has a private foundation and is concerned with succession planning or would like to spend less time managing their foundation, you can transfer those assets to NCCF to create a fund that can be managed with the assistance of NCCF staff.